Get The Best Price For Adult Mens Thunderbirds Jacket Costume
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Brand: Charades
ItemAvailability : Usually ships in 1-2 business days
Adult Mens Thunderbirds Jacket Costume Overviews
Our Adult Thunderbird Jacket Plus Costume is a classic jacket that will have all the guys jealous of you and all the chicks in awe. The faux leather has polyester backing with the screen printed graphic "ThunderBirds" on the back at an angle. The outfit comes in a variety of sizes including: small, medium, large, and extra large to ensure a comfortable fit. This is one of our most flashiest items in stock and at such an affordable price it's bound to be a great steal this Halloween. Unfortunately, shoes are not included with the outfit but our Men's Adult Platform Shoes in Black will look excellent with the costume. You can add to the look by accessorizing with our large assortment of accessories such as Rock & Roll Sunglasses and Grease Danny Zucco Wig for Adult.
Adult Mens Thunderbirds Jacket Costume Feature
